ENnie Ödülleri 2016 Adayları Açıklandı
ENnie Ödülleri Adayları Açıklandı!
4 – 7 Ağustos tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecek GenCon’da sahiplerini bulacak olan ENnie Awards, adaylarını açıkladı.
Annual GenCon EN World RPG Awards yani ENnie Awards, Rol Yapma Oyunları camiasındaki en prestijli ödüllerden birisi. 2001 yılında dağıtılmaya başlanan ödüller 2002 yılından beridir canlı olarak GenCon etkinliğinde verilmekte.
11 Temmuz tarihinde başlayacak oylama 21 Temmuz tarihinde bitecek. Kazananlar ise 31 Temmuz tarihinde GenCon’daki törenle açıklanacak. İşte 2014 yılına damgasını vuran adaylar:
En İyi Macera
- Dracula Dossier (Pelgrane Press)
- Curse of Strahd (Wizards of the Coast)
- Achtung! Cthulhu – Shadows of Atlantis (Modiphius)
- Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press)
- Deadlands: Stone and a Hard Place (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
En İyi Yardımcı Aksesuar
- Adventure Scents (Adventure Scents)
- Non-Player Cards: An Artful and Inspirational NPC Generator (Metal Weave Games)
- All Rolled Up – Dracula Dossier: The Black Archive (All Rolled Up)
- 13th Age Game Master’s Screen and Resource Book (Pelgrane Press)
- Feng Shui 2 Game Master’s Screen (Atlas Games)
En İyi Kapak Çizimi
- Fragged Empire Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment)
- Curse of Strahd (Wizards of the Coast)
- Pathfinder RPG: Ultimate Intrigue (Paizo, Inc)
- Achtung! Cthulhu: Shadows of Atlantis (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- Ryuutama (Kotodama Heavy Industries)
En İyi İç Çizim
- Low Life: The Rise of the Low (Mutha Oith Creations)
- Baby Bestiary Handbook Vol 1 (Metal Weave Games)
- Degenesis (Six More Vodka)
- Dragon Age Core Rulebook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus (Evil Hat Productions)
En İyi Blog
En İyi Harita (Kartografi)
- Cthulhu Britannica London (Cubicle 7)
- Shadows of Esteren Cartography of Tri Kazel (Agate Editions)
- Snow White (AAW Games LLC)
- Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press)
- Southlands Campaign Setting Map (Kobold Press)
En İyi Elektronik Kitap
- Snow White (AAW Games LLC)
- Ten Candles (Cavalry Games)
- Trail of Cthulhu: The Long Con (Pelgrane Press)
- Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press)
- Shadowrun Missions: Ten Fifty-Seven (Catalyst Game Labs)
En İyi Aile Oyunu
- No Thank You, Evil! (Monte Cook Games)
- Lone Wolf (Cubicle 7)
- Ryuutama (Kotodama Heavy Industries)
- It’s Element-ary! (Nothing Ventured Games)
- War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus (Evil Hat Productions)
En İyi Ücretsiz Oyun
- TOONZY! the Cartoon Role Playing Game (Genres Game System LLC)
- Delta Green: Need to Know (Arc Dream Publishing)
- ScreenPlay: The Rehearsal Edition (Mystical Throne Entertainment)
- FAITH: the Sci-Fi RPG (Burning Games LTD)
- King of Slimes (Sproutli Games)
En İyi Ücretsiz Ürün
- Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins Free (Paizo, Inc)
- Chill Quickstart: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors (Growling Door Games, Inc)
- Toast of the Town(Cumberland Games & Diversions)
- Epic Space Battles (End Transmission Games, LLC)
- Race to Starport (Pelgrane Press)
En İyi Oyun
- Urban Shadows (Magpie Games)
- Ten Candles (Cavalry Games)
- Dragon Age Core Rulebook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Degenesis (Six More Vodka)
- Feng Shui 2 Core Rulebook (Atlas Games)
En İyi Minyatür
- WGC Hydra Brush Set (Games and Gears)
- Frostgrave (Osprey Publishing)
- Gaming Paper Mega Dungeon 3 – Sewers (Gaming Paper)
- Pathfinder Battles – The Rusty Dragon Inn: Bar (Paizo Inc.)
- Death & Taxes Collector’s Set (Lesser Gnome)
En İyi Canavar / Düşman
- Baby Bestiary Handbook Vol 1 (Metal Weave Games)
- Pathfinder RPG: Bestiary 5 (Paizo, Inc)
- Aventyr Bestiary (AAW Games LLC)
- Colonial Gothic: Lovecraft (Rogue Games, Inc)
- Larger Than Life: Savage Worlds Edition (High Rock Press)
En İyi Podcast
- Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
- The RPG Academy
- Total Party Thrill: RPG Advice From Our Table to Yours
- The Misdirected Mark Podcast
- Role Playing Public Radio
En İyi Üretim
- Degenesis (Six More Vodka)
- Numenera Boxed Set Edition: Reliquary (Monte Cook Games)
- Death & Taxes Collector’s Set(Lesser Gnome)
- Cthulhu Britannica London (Cubicle 7)
- Lone Wolf (Cubicle 7)
En İyi RPG Ürünü
- Don’t Turn Your Back (Evil Hat Productions)
- Epic Treasure Coins (Campaign Coins)
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous (Paizo, Inc)
- Focal Point: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Running Extraordinary Sessions (Engine Publishing)
- Ken Writes About Stuff Volume 3 (Pelgrane Press)
En İyi Kurallar
- Feng Shui 2 Core Rulebook (Atlas Games)
- Urban Shadows (Magpie Games)
- Ten Candles (Cavalry Games)
- Lone Wolf (Cubicle 7)
- War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus (Evil Hat Productions)
En İyi Kurulum (Setting)
- Fragged Empire Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment)
- Feng Shui 2 Core Rulebook (Atlas Games)
- Degenesis (Six More Vodka)
- Warrior Princesses Realms of Everafter (Galileo Games)
- Southlands Campaign Setting (Kobold Press)
En İyi Yazılım
- Roll20 (The Orr Group, LLC)
- Storium, the online storytelling game (Storium)
- Hero Lab for D&D 5th Edition SRD on Windows, Mac and iPad (Lone Wolf Development)
- Syrinscape Dragon’s Demand SoundPack (Syrinscape)
- Tabletop Audio – Ambient Audio and Music for Tabletop Games (Tabletop Audio)
En İyi Yan Kitap
- The Dresden Files RPG Vol. 3: The Paranet Papers (Evil Hat Productions)
- Encylcopedia of Impossible Things (Monte Cook Games)
- The Dracula Dossier: Hawkins Papers (Pelgrane Press)
- Pathfinder RPG: Ultimate Intrigue (Paizo, Inc)
- Delta Green: Agent’s Handbook (Arc Dream Publishing)
En İyi Web Sitesi
- See Page XX: The Pelgrane Press Webzine
- Adventureaweek.com
- Gnome Stew – The Gaming Blog
- Tribality Website – D&D 5th Edition Resource
- Melvin Smif’s Geekery
En İyi Yazar
- Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press)
- The Dracula Dossier: Director’s Handbook (Pelgrane Press)
- Delta Green: Agent’s Handbook (Arc Dream Publishing)
- The Dresden Files RPG Vol. 3: The Paranet Papers (Evil Hat Productions)
- Snow White (AAW Games LLC)
Yılın Ürünü
- Degenesis (Six More Vodka)
- Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press)
- Snow White (AAW Games LLC)
- Ten Candles (Cavalry Games)
- Urban Shadows(Magpie Games)
- Feng Shui 2 Core Rulebook (Atlas Games)
- War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus (Evil Hat Productions)
- Dracula Dossier (Pelgrane Press)
- Curse of Strahd (Wizards of the Coast)
- Dragon Age Core Rulebook (Green Ronin Publishing)
Jüri Özel Ödülleri
- Worlds in Peril (Samjoko Publishing) – Stacy Muth
- Eclipse Phase: Firewall (Posthuman Studios) – Jakub Nowosad
- Out of the Abyss (Wizards of the Coast) – Kayra Keri Küpçü
- Sword Coast Adventure’s Guide (Wizards of the Coast) – Kurt Wiegel
Siz de kendi seçimlerinizi yaparak kazananları belirleyebilirsiniz! Hemen buraya tıklayın!