ENnie Ödülleri 2015 Adayları Açıklandı
ENnie Ödülleri Adayları Açıklandı!
30 Temmuz – 2 Ağustos tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecek GenCon’da sahiplerini bulacak olan ENnie Awards, adaylarını açıkladı.
Annual GenCon EN World RPG Awards yani ENnie Awards, Rol Yapma Oyunları camiasındaki en prestijli ödüllerden birisi. 2001 yılında dağıtılmaya başlanan ödüller 2002 yılından beridir canlı olarak GenCon etkinliğinde verilmekte.
4 Temmuz tarihinde başlayacak oylama 14 Temmuz tarihinde bitecek. Kazananlar ise 31 Temmuz tarihinde GenCon’daki törenle açıklanacak. İşte 2014 yılına damgasını vuran adaylar:
En İyi Macera
- Cake Walk (Fabled Environments)
- East Texas University: Degrees of Horror (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
- Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium)
- Hoard of the Dragon Queen (Wizards of the Coast)
- A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
En İyi Yardımcı Aksesuar
- DungeonMorph Dice: Explorer Set (Inkwell Ideas)
- D&D Dungeon Master’s Screen (Wizards of the Coast)
- Syrinscape’s Rise of the Runelords Mega SoundPack (Syrinscape)
- Black-green Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition RPG Dice Set (Q-Workshop)
- Pathfinder Cards: Deluxe Harrow Deck (Paizo Inc.)
En İyi Kapak Çizimi
- Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Monsternomicon (Privateer Press)
- MUTANT: Year Zero – The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Achtung! Cthulhu: Terrors of the Secret War (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- Rise of Tiamat (Wizards of the Coast)
En İyi İç Çizim
- D&D Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast)
- Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk (Gun Metal Games)
- Trail of Cthulhu: Dreamhounds of Paris (Pelgrane Press)
- The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
- Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Core Rules Hardcover (Privateer Press)
En İyi Blog
- ConTessa – Tabletop gaming by women for everyone!
- DMDavid Blog
- Gnome Stew
- House Rule Gaming
En İyi Harita (Kartografi)
- MUTANT: Year Zero – The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- The Guide to Glorantha (Moon Design Publications)
- Distant Outposts Deluxe Poster Map Set (Christopher West’s Maps of Mastery)
- Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium)
- Ninth World Guidebook (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
En İyi Elektronik Kitap
- Dragon Age Core RuleBook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Basic Rules for D&D (Wizards of the Coast)
- Ken Writes About Stuff Volume 2 (Pelgrane Press)
- Cake Walk (Fabled Environments)
- Valiant Universe RPG Digital Initiative (Catalyst Game Labs)
En İyi Aile Oyunu
- Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game (Evil Hat Productions)
- D&D Starter Set (Wizards of the Coast)
- Infestation, An RPG of Bugs and Heroes (Third Eye Games)
- Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space – Limited Edition Anniversary Rulebook (Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)
- Adventure Maximus RPG Starter Set (Eden Studios)
En İyi Ücretsiz Ürün
- Valiant RPG Digital Initiative (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Basic Rules for D&D (Wizards of the Coast)
- Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space – Arrowdown (Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)
- 13th Age: The Archmage’s Orrery (Pelgrane Press)
- East Texas University: Redneckromancer (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
En İyi Oyun
- D&D Player’s Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)
- The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
- Firefly Roleplaying Game (Margaret Weis Productions)
- MUTANT: Year Zero – The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game (Evil Hat Productions)
En İyi Minyatür
- Gen Con Adventurer’s Tavern – Painted (Games and Gears)
- D&D Icons of the Realms: Elemental Evil Boosters (WizKids)
- Fantasy Pirate Goblin Lieutnant 28mm Miniature (Via Ludibunda)
- Pathfinder Pawns: Inner Sea Pawn Box (Paizo Inc.)
- Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Roleplaying Game Adventure Kit (Privateer Press)
En İyi Canavar / Düşman
- D&D Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast)
- 13th Age Bestiary (Pelgrane Press)
- The Strange Bestiary (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
- Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Monsternomicon (Privateer Press)
- Achtung! Cthulhu: Terrors of the Secret War (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
En İyi Podcast
- Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
- Miskatonic University Podcast
- Translating the Strange
- NPC Cast
- Grim Dark Podcast
En İyi Üretim
- Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium)
- D&D Starter Set (Wizards of the Coast)
- The Guide to Glorantha (Moon Design Publications)
- Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Roleplaying Game Adventure Kit (Privateer Press)
- Shadowrun: Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware (Catalyst Game Labs)
En İyi RPG Ürünü
- Designers & Dragons: A History of the Roleplaying Game Industry (Evil Hat Productions)
- Chicks Dig Gaming: A Celebration of All Things Gaming by the Women Who Love It (Mad Norwegian Press)
- Shadowrun: Crossfire (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Temple of Elemental Evil (WizKids)
- Doctor Who: The Card Game 2nd Edition (Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)
En İyi Kurallar
- D&D Player’s Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)
- MUTANT: Year Zero – The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- Mindjammer – The Roleplaying Game (Transhuman Science-Fiction Adventure in the Second Age of Space) (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- At the Hands of an Angry God (BlackWyrm Games)
- Monster of the Week (Evil Hat Productions)
En İyi Kurulum (Setting)
- The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
- The Guide to Glorantha (Moon Design Publications)
- MUTANT: Year Zero – The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
- Trail of Cthulhu: Dreamhounds of Paris (Pelgrane Press)
En İyi Yazılım
- Roll20 (Roll 20)
- D&D Complete Core Monster Pack for Fantasy Grounds (SmiteWorks USA LLC)
- Hero Lab (Lone Wolf Development)
- Syrinscape’s Rise of the Runelords Mega SoundPack (Sword’s Edge Publishing)
- Eclipse Phase: Singularity Character Generator (Posthuman Studios & Snow Dog Labs)
En İyi Yan Kitap
- D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (Wizards of the Coast)
- Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Unchained (Paizo Inc.)
- Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
- Doctor Who – The Fourth Doctor Sourcebook (Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)
- Shadowrun: Run Faster (Catalyst Game Labs)
En İyi Web Sitesi
En İyi Yazar
- Ken Writes About Stuff Volume 2 (Pelgrane Press)
- D&D Player’s Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)
- The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
- A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
- Designers & Dragons: A History of the Roleplaying Game Industry (Evil Hat Productions)
Yılın Ürünü
- MUTANT: Year Zero – The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
- The Strange (Monte Cook Games, LLC)
- Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium)
- A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
- The Guide to Glorantha (Moon Design Publications)
- D&D Player’s Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)
- Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Core Rules Hardcover (Privateer Press)
- Designers & Dragons: A History of the Roleplaying Game Industry (Evil Hat Productions)
- Firefly Roleplaying Game (Margaret Weis Productions)
- Mindjammer – The Roleplaying Game (Transhuman Science-Fiction Adventure in the Second Age of Space) (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd)
Jüri Özel Ödülleri
- Dragons in the Stacks: A Teen Librarian’s Guide to Tabletop Role-Playing (Libraries Unlimited) – Annah Madrinan
- Wicked Lies and Alibis (Imaginary Empire) – Stacy Muth
- Posthuman Pathways (Genesis of Legend Publishing) – Jakub Nowosad
- Firefly Echoes of War: Thrillin’ Heroics (Margaret Weis Productions) – Kayra Keri Küpçü
- East Texas University (Pinnacle Entertainment Group) – Kurt Wiegel